Posicionarnos Social Media Social Media Optimization | SMO

Social Media Optimization | SMO


\"SocialJust having a website to promote your business is not enough anymore.  Utilizing 3rd party sites such as Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and Twitter can help generate additional leads for your business.  The use of social media outlets to increase the awareness of your brand is known as Social Media Optimization.  Studies have shown that having a quality social media campaign in place has been proven to increase both website rankings in the search engines, as well as additional leads.

One of the major benefits to social media is the free promotion that others can give your business at the push of a button.  If you have an interesting article or video that is posted to your social media page(s), you might end up getting a ton of new visitors due potential for exponential display of your content when it is liked, re-tweeted, or shared.  The way things work on social media sites can create hugely viral campaigns.  If for example, you posted an interesting video on your Facebook page, and ten people like or share that video, each person who is friends with the people who liked or shared your video will learn about it on their Facebook feed.  If the new people then like or share the video, it will go out to all of their friends.  This process can be repeated forever and causes exponential growth in the reach for your video.  It is not uncommon on social media sites to find posts with thousands of likes, shares, and comments.

Utilizing social media sites also allows you to easily communicate with your customers and potential customers in near real time in an online and public space.  Some people find it easier to ask a quick question online and prefer it to actually calling and speaking to someone on the phone.  With sites like Twitter, people can reach out directly to you and you can respond back very easily and quickly.  These tweets can be publicly displayed on your twitter feed so that others who may have had similar inquiries would be able to see your response.

The social media optimization team at WebVantage Marketing can help you put together a strategy that can help you build your social media presence.  One of the Off Page SEO ranking factors that search engines are using today revolves around social media.  The search engines are looking at how many Facebook likes or shares, Google+’s, Twitter followers and re-tweets revolve around your company’s brand.  Using the right concepts it is fairly simple to get your current customers promoting your business via social media sites.

Having proper citations in sites such as Yelp and Google Plus for Business as well as other local review sites is also important.  Ensuring that your business is listed correctly across the board when it comes to 3rd party sites is crucial to getting your business to display when people are looking for a business that revolves around your product or service.  We specialize in adding your business by hand to various local directory sites and make it our goal to be accurate with your listing across the board.

If you are interested in seeing how WebVantage Marketing can help you with your social media campaigns watch the video below.

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