Some of the most hilarious situations on social media ensue when the police post wanted ads on Facebook. It’s hilarious when the police are called out for being ridiculous enough to make a social media post about a person wanted for petty crimes, for instance, when they post about busting someone for weed and act like it should be a crime.
Recently, the Richland, Washington Police Department made a post on Facebook asking for information about a wanted man, 38 year old Anthony Akers. In response, the wanted man himself made a comment, assuring the police he was going to turn himself in soon. He said “Calm down, im going to turn myself in.”
In response, the police tried to be all professional and said this.
(Image credit: Richland Washington Police)
For the next couple days, the 38 year old man was trolling and avoiding turning himself in. First, he replied again “thank you, tying up a couple loose ends since i will probably be in there for a month. Should be there in the next 48 hours.”
Then someone else asked if he had actually turned himself in, and he didn’t. The department replied he has not, and then again the wanted man replied saying “its not you, its me,” like it was some kind of love story.
(Image credit: Richland Washington Police)
He said he obviously has commitment issues and he apologizes for standing the police up. He said the police have no reason to believe him after what he did to them, but promised that if he didn’t make it down to the station on his own by “lunchtime tomorrow” he will call them for a ride to “assist me with my commitment issues,” he said.
“P.S. you’re beautiful” he continued in the drawn out comment, followed by a smiling emoji.
Most comments were supportive of the man and found it hilarious, but one comment had the audacity to wish he received additional charges for commenting on Facebook. One user said:
“Everytime he commits to turning himself in writing he should have another charge. Failure to comply or eluding the Police”
To which another comment replied: “Nikki Mahaffey-Berglund Do us all a massive favor by shutting tf up 🙂”
Another comment replied: “ill bet you speak to the manager wherever you go”
Finally, he turned himself in and took a picture of it for Facebook, saying “Here for our date sweetheart.”
(Image credit: Richland Washington Police)
His charge was Failure to Comply, which means he may have violated some condition of his probation or some kind of thing he was dealing with under the law.
A lot of people who broke the law in harmless ways deal with the conditions of probation on a daily basis, and often people end up doing a little bit of time in jail because they simply didn’t make it to a meeting for drug or alcohol classes, or they didn’t make it to probation to take a drug test, or something along those lines.
It’s very relatable and hilarious to people who all have friends dealing with that type of thing to see a cheeky response like this.
However at the same time, there’s nothing funny about the way the police try to be cheeky and funny while they enforce laws that really shouldn’t be laws. In Washington State particularly, cannabis is now legal so at least that is one law off the books that was locking up innocent people.
As long as police departments across America make social media posts, people will make fun of them.
This content was originally published here.