We look at social media optimization a little differently than most SEO companies. While other SEO companies boast that they are experts at social media optimization or SMO we really look at SMO as a very small part of SEO 2.0. Think about it; how long does it really take to set up a Facebook and Twitter page, and will they really help you if your goal is to attract visitors to your main website? Including SMO in our SEO 2.0 is a no brainer; we can target different keywords than what we are going after for your actual website, but where it really comes into play is with our Reverse SEO services.
Part of reducing the negative press about you has to do with optimizing as many other websites as possible. One of the ways we can accomplish this is through social media optimization.
Most of the social media (networking and bookmarking) sites you\’ve probably heard about were big several years ago, but have been dying down since around 2007.
There are two separate Specials for social media; social networking and social bookmarking. Social media optimization is concerned with optimizing social networking for brand awareness and social bookmarking for inbound linking.
Social networking is made up of sites like Myspace, Facebook, Plaxo, Bebo, LinkedIn, and now Twitter. Myspace, Plaxo, and Bebo are now populated with people aged 10-21 and 45-60. Facebook and LinkedIn are populated with people 21-35. So, depending on the demographic of your business you\’d want to lean towards one of these. However, please don\’t expect any leads to come through any of these social networking mediums. They are simply intended to come up in the search engine results and drive traffic to your website. In fact, we have literally never heard of any business making a sale on any social media platform. Therefore, this is the least important aspect of social media optimization.
The remainder of the social media sites are probably in a category of social bookmarking. If you\’ve ever bookmarked a webpage or placed it in your favorites (depending on your web browser), this is the same concept. The only difference is that social bookmarking is public, so you post your bookmarks on the WWW for everyone to share. For SEO, this is very important because spiders can see the amount of bookmarks for a website and take this into consideration within their algorithm. They don\’t count as much for inbound links, however, because of the low page ranks and thus also aren\’t that necessary for social media optimization.
Twitter is a new social media hybrid. It only employs the update portion of a social networking site while allowing outbound links. It allows users to post updates about their life and for people to literally follow these updates. It uniquely combines both social networking and bookmarking and has the benefit of a page rank and is a must for any social media optimization campaign.
Ironically, we were the first company to ever begin doing either of these when we did business under SEO Treo in 2001.
Keywords: SMO, social media optimization