Posicionarnos Content Marketing Curation The Art and Science of Content Marketing – DG Tully – Thought catcher by AdGlobal360

The Art and Science of Content Marketing – DG Tully – Thought catcher by AdGlobal360


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A well worked upon content marketing needs a marketer with a mindset of an artist as well as scientist; because research says, a good content marketing is created when the lines of art and science intersect. Content marketing that can drive action, connection and revenue cannot be created if there are insufficient inputs from any of the perspective.

A content marketing strategy is a hit when both creative as well as analytical mindsets amalgamate.

The Role of Art and Science in Marketing

To market any brand or product, it is crucial to hit the right cord of human emotion. One definitely needs an art, be it via creative language, integrated campaigns, powerful visuals, or some other original idea, to tap that veracious emotional chord.

As per a research, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. (Source: Zabisco) This means that a source of information is better and quicker communicated across in the form of visuals, which are a form of an art.

Marketing is also about relying upon facts. If certain things work for internet users, focusing upon that makes marketing activities smooth. Marketing scientists here play a crucial role by building a process to analyze performance, recognize patterns and accordingly plan a strategy. It is due to the well-defined marketing strategies that organizations observe improved click-thru-rate on their marketing campaigns.

The Different Mindset: The objective of the artist and scientist is to create impactful content. However, both the artists and scientists work with different mindset and expectations to achieve success.

Here’s what goes on in the mind of an artist:

On the other hand, here’s what goes on in the mind of scientist:

The Combined Effort:

Artists as well as scientists are tremendous assets to push forward marketing campaigns. The best content marketers integrate art as well as science to produce strategic and game changing content. The combination of the two simply ensures that consumers/customers/viewers get to see some innovative campaign and generate huge ROI for the organization.

It is hard to find a marketer with a mindset of both an artist as well as artist. However, this does not mean that both the minds cannot come into action together. Here is how organizations can use the power of both science & art:

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This content was originally published here.

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