Posicionarnos Content Marketing Curation Top 10 Content Curation Plugins – Top 20 Content Curation Tools for Business Owners

Top 10 Content Curation Plugins – Top 20 Content Curation Tools for Business Owners


Best 10 Content Curation Plugins

When it comes to creating an online brand, content is the most important aspect. Web users are not the most patient lot. They seek out specific information and ignore everything irrelevant.

So how do you capture attention and ensure your brand remains relevant to the people who can push it forward? One of the best ways to do this is ensuring your platforms always have great content that will captivate and inform your audience.

That, however, is easier said than done. Not unless you have a team whose job is solely to develop content, it will be difficult to satisfy the content needs of your audience.

At this point, content curation is the solution. This is the process of seeking, gathering and relaying of digital information pertaining to a specific subject matter that will be appealing for readers and viewers. You should consider it as an option that can reduce the burden of coming up with your own material.

There are severa content curation plug ins available in the market that serve different needs. Some will help you build up independent content whereas others help with digests. The following is a list of top ten curation plugins you should check out.

This is a great tool for identifying content that you can share quickly. It is simple to use and allows you to see the most shared content of any nature by simply typing in a phrase. Once you find something you like, you can share it manually on your platform via the Buzzsumo buffer integration system.

On Buzzsumo, you can find and track content created or shared by specific influencers and authors. It also enables you to track trending content. You can also choose to receive alerts on new content.

Buzzsumo packages start from $79 per month though there are a few features that can be accessed for free.

• With the data available and trend analysis, you will be able to create high-performing content.
• The process of finding influencers is quick and easy.
• Helps you to get ahead of competition as you can monitor and track their activity.

• To access all the features you need to pay monthly subscription fees.
• The keyword recommendations may sometimes be few.

Content Gems

Contentgems is a platform that enables you to discover content and build your own unique digest of relatable content. You can search and follow topics and keywords.

It has both free and payment plans which start at $99 monthly. For the payment plans, you will get real-time updates on the content you can share. On the other hand, the updates are on a daily basis for the free plan. However, with the free plan, you will only be able to monitor one twitter timeline, and you won’t be able to integrate it with social media sharing tools such as Hootsuite and Buffer.

• The keyword search feature enables you to find any type of content.
• You will receive updates on content that is suitable for your channels.

• The monthly subscription cost of $99 is fairly expensive.
• You will only be able to monitor one twitter account when using the free plan.

As the name suggests, Triberr is a content marketing platform that works by forming tribes or bringing people with common interests together who then share each other’s content.

Here you will be able to find interesting content for your audience as well as get exposure for yours. For $20 per month, you will be able to access their curation tool that automates the process of sharing and discovering content.

• It is fairly cheap compared to other services.
• Provides a platform for interaction with people who share similar interests.
• Helps expose your work to a broader audience.


Scoop.it is one of the most useful plugins available today. When using it, you can create a topic page and it gives you content suggestions based on the interests and sources you choose.

The basic features are free. However, if you wish to enjoy the full scope and access the content director tool for businesses, there will be a subscription fee starting at $11 per month. The content director tool for businesses helps teams curate and share content collectively. Hence content can quickly be shared to your audience.

• It offers various levels of support that are suitable for businesses of all sizes.
• It can be easily integrated with WordPress and other CMS’S.
• Their system is suitable for large teams working together.

This is a tool that’s great for WordPress users. With a few simple clicks, it helps you curate content and access a wide range of content. It also gives you the option to automate posting to your site.

MyCurator also has bulk curation tools that allow you to work on large or unrelated projects by collecting content for different topic simultaneously. Monthly packages start at $15 but using the WordPress plugin is free.

• Allows easy and quick or automated WordPress site posts.
• You can curate content on various topics at a go.

This is the perfect content curation tool for digital magazines. Flipboard enables you to bring multiple aspects of a digital magazine such as articles, videos and social media channels into one easily accessible platform.

You also receive content updates from social feeds that you can use to create content.

• It is absolutely free.
• Puts all the information from your social media channels into one app that is easy to navigate and share content.
• It is available on multiple platforms such as Android, IOS, Blackberry and windows.
• It provides access to millions of magazines that cover all kinds of topics.

• There are many ads on the app. Some even appear as you read articles.
• Some of the content is from low-quality sources

This is a tool designed to give you access to multiple news sites and blogs in one app. You are able to peruse various sources and get real-time updates. It also allows you to customize your content by choosing your sources and saving them in one folder.
Once you’re in the app, all you have to do is open your folder to get all the relevant updates. As you pick the sources you prefer, the app will suggest others similar to it. By saving favorite content on a “slinglist”, you will be able to share it on social media from within the app.

• It is free to use.
• Gives you access to multiple news sites on one app.
• You can easily share news features on your social media channels.

• Limited to news related content.

Instapaper is a unique tool that allows you to curate content from the internet and even from other Content curation plug ins. This allows you to make your Instapaper website that will be as free.

You will be able to access your Instapaper online and also offline on the apps that enable it. To add a personal touch, you can add your input by highlighting or commenting on content to make it more appealing to your audience.

• Enables you to curate content even from other similar tools.
• The Instapapers are also accessible when you are offline.
• You can add a personal touch to the content.

• There are in-app purchases.
• Content sometimes get deleted when syncing platforms

Klout is a platform that helps in measuring and improving social influence. To help boost your influence, you will get suggestions for sharable content that is related to your niche.

You have to link your social media accounts in order to use Klout. In addition to recommending content that complements your expertise, you will also get suggestions of content your audience on social media has not seen. Sharing such information helps increase your influence.

• It enables you to see your influence on various social channels.
• The platform also allows you to compare yourself with other influencers.
• There is no subscription fee required to use this tool.

• It only focuses on a person’s profile influence. Incorporating other methods of measuring influence would make it more comprehensive.
• The platform still needs some improvements to make it completely user-friendly.

Lists are some of the most sought out web content. This brings the need to incorporate Listly –a tool for creating and sharing lists- in your online marketing plan.

With the app, you can scroll through blogs, videos, social media, photos, and other sources to help make your lists in a few minutes. It also has a feature where you can give permission for others to share or add lists to your site and even add to your list.

• Enables you to keep your lists relevant by simplifying the process of updating them.
• The simplicity of creating lists will help you to boost engagement with your audience.
• It is easy to share your lists via social media and email.

• It only helps in generating content for creating lists.
• Allowing others to add to your list may encourage spam.

The content web users look for online is always changing. For you to remain relevant in this fast evolving environment, your content must always be in line with what people are looking for. You will need a good online marketing plan to keep you ahead of the pack. Fortunately, these tools can help you identify suitable content.

If possible, you should incorporate multiple tools as they serve different purposes. However, a tool such as Buzzsumo is a must have as it can help you with all sorts of content.

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